Searching an Editor's Files
Queen's University Archives
for specific publication details
circa 1968
The facts as presented:
An academic librarian contacted me in mid-February 2023, enquiring about a group of files he had identified which were held at Queen's University Archives in Kingston. The files were part of a large collection developed by a man who had edited an important book detailing Canadians' opinions of US relations. The book was published initially in Canada, and a very short while later in the US, in 1968.
The challenge:
Might I be able to examine this group of files? The goals stated were to 1) discover details of the press runs for both the Canadian and the US publications, and 2) to copy any reviews which might be found (beyond the seven that had already been located), and send them on to the client.
The results:
Ten files held within one file box (part of a subset of three boxes found in a total collection of several hundreds of files) were examined in detail. Only very general reports of 'projected print runs' at different times leading up to publication in Canada were found. Xerox copies of many reviews - published principally in newspapers in the United States, were found in one of the files. 72 of these were scanned and forwarded to the client as new items for perusal.
- - - Project No. 230213 (Completed 17 February 2023)