Expanding the Picture Beyond

Two Late 1840s Baptismal Records


The facts as presented:

Two baptismal records had been found, from a rural church in Ontario. The parents concerned were known to have emigrated from Monaghan County, Ireland, around 1846. By 1850, the parents and children were known to have moved further to Ontario County in New York State.

The challenge:

To discover anything about the family beyond the two baptismal records.

The results: 

The baptismal records were verified, and all location and other family details were obtained. Details were then gathered concerning members of another large family with the same surname, living in the same general period and area as the family of primary interest. The intent was to determine whether, or not, members of this other family group were related in any fashion to the family of interest. Alas, after much work, it was finally discovered that members of this other family had emigrated from County Donegal in Ireland in the 1830s, and it was concluded that members of this other family more than likely had no relationship with the family of principal interest. During the course of the investigation, additional individuals were found to be residing in Ontario County, New York, around 1850, who had the same surname as the family of interest. It was suggested that members of this family be more extensively investigated, as well, to see if any relationship to the family of principal interest could be established. 

The response:

"Thanks for your efforts. Disappointed but not surprised.... Pleasure doing business with you."

------ Project 210107    (completed 18 January 2021) 

Contact Bruce D. Murduck   concerning any matter at all.