Robert George Murduck

Photograph No. 0037

 "The Irrepressibles"

Elland, Yorkshire

circa 1925


Murduck Photo No. 0037 - 'The Irrepressibles', Elland, circa 1925Murduck Photo No. 0037 - 'The Irrepressibles', Elland, circa 1925

This photograph shows nine girls and two young women in dance costume. The photo is captioned "The Irrepressibles", and it is clearly attributed to 'Murduck' of Elland. 

The original is an unused (i.e. not sent through the postal system) postcard. It has few nicks, and no obvious cracks, splits or folds. It's rather sharp and crisp. It came from a collection of photographs assembled into an album during the lifetime of a woman who died in Chorley, Lancashire, in late May, 1995, aged 85 years. There are no notations or other markings on the back side of the postcard to help identify any of the subjects, or the circumstances or timing of the photograph.

Mona Elizabeth Townsend is the middle of the three girls seated at the front. Mona was born in Stainland in March, 1910, and her birth was registered in the Halifax Registration District in the April/May/June quarter of 1910. She was the daughter of Harry & Catherine [nee Carney] Townsend. Mona had one older sister, and one younger brother. Mona is known to have attended the Brooksbank School on Victoria Road in Elland in the 1920s, having 'won a Scholarship' (the Brooksbank School became the Elland Grammar School in 1933). Mona did not attend school beyond the grammar level, and she was married to Arthur Iredale in Halifax in 1931. Three children followed. Mona's surviving son and daughter believe that the above photo was taken while Mona was attending the School, and that the dance group may have had some affiliation with the School. It's also believed that the card was given to Mona by a school friend, Mary Shaw, who signed Mona's autograph book in 1926.

A pair of singers - the Houston Sisters, played extensively throughout Yorkshire between about 1927 and 1935, at which time they were billed as 'The Irrepressibles'. It seems unlikely that the girls shown in the photo above had any association with the Houston Sisters.


Facts about Robert George Murduck's life, 1875-1947, can be found here.

A list & details of all photographs which are presently known to have been attributed to Robert George Murduck can be found here.

The various means by which R G Murduck's photographs are attributed to himself can be found here.

Details about ways you can submit a copy of your photo can be found through this link.

If you have additional information about Robert George Murduck,

or if you have a photograph (or photographs) which show him or either of his studios, or which can be attributed to him, please ....

Contact Bruce D. Murduck   concerning any matter at all.