Robert George Murduck

Photograph No. 0034


The High Street


Before 1914

Murduck Photo No. 0034 - The High Street, ExmouthMurduck Photo No. 0034 - The High Street, Exmouth


This photo shows the High Street in Exmouth, Devonshire, England, apparently as it existed prior to 1914.

The above photograph by R G Murduck, showing the manuscript 'MURDUCK PHOTO' attribution in the lower right corner, was apparently published in an unknown book several years ago. It was scanned and sent to me by an anonymous collector of Murduck photo images. It's presented here simply as a another example of Murduck's work.

The original image itself must have been faded - and the original photograph appears to have been taken on a fairly bright sunny day. The scene is typical of a Murduck photo - a well balanced, long view, with people arrayed in the middle foreground. Great depth of field and work with light and shadow!


Facts about Robert George Murduck's life, 1875-1947, can be found here.

A list & details of all photographs which are presently known to have been attributed to Robert George Murduck can be found here.

The various means by which R G Murduck's photographs are attributed to himself can be found here.

Details about ways you can submit a copy of your photo can be found through this link.

If you have additional information about Robert George Murduck,

or if you have a photograph (or photographs) which show him or either of his studios, or which can be attributed to him, please ....

Contact Bruce D. Murduck   concerning any matter at all.