Robert George Murduck
Photograph No. 0015
Unidentified Soldier, No. 001
Standing by Chair in Studio
A Real Photo Postcard
As war commenced in 1914, an ever increasing number of soldiers made their way to Robert George Murduck's photography studio at 34, The Strand, in Exmouth, Devonshire. The above photograph, applied to postcard stock, is one example. We can perhaps surmise that this soldier had attested for service with the Devonshire Regiment, but we can't be certain.
Here we see Murduck's embossed oval shaped attribution "MURDUCK PHOTO EXMOUTH" in the bottom right corner. The image is sparse - just the soldier standing with his arm resting on the back of a very ornate chair. Was the 'swagger stick' he's holding a sign of his rank, or was it just a prop?
The card showing here was in very good condition when it was originally scanned - no scuffs or tears, no creases or folds. It looks like it resided safely in someone's photo album for many years without being handled.
The reverse side of this particular card has not been seen. If you can identify this soldier, please get in touch with me. This image was very kindly provided by Ian Wright of Exmouth, in 2006.
Facts about Robert George Murduck's life, 1875-1947, can be found here.
A list & details of all photographs which are presently known to have been attributed to Robert George Murduck can be found here.
The various means by which R G Murduck's photographs are attributed to himself can be found here.
Details about ways you can submit a copy of your photo can be found through this link.
If you have additional information about Robert George Murduck,
or if you have a photograph (or photographs) which show him or either of his studios, or which can be attributed to him, please ....